
Watch Dogs Mask: Ubisoft Said Watch Dogs will be Better than GTA

Watch Dogs Mask: Ubisoft Said Watch Dogs will be Better than GTA
Watch Dogs mask
Watch Dogs has been determined to bite a GTA series of open world of cake, Ubisoft also want them to be able to achieve this goal. Ubisoft's Alain Corre told the media that they want to Watch Dogs to become a legendary brand in their field, just like Assassin's Creed series did. We want to Watch Dogs can burgeoned in his field, like GTA like. He said. Yes, GTA is respected in the industry gold standard, and we are looking forward to GTA new work, but the Watch Dogs is aimed at the next generation of the host, and will bring a lot of new features - new ideas related, interactive, online series in this area, he also said, GTA5 in the September issue of time will not be a problem, because they are going to release in the end. If an area has good works, it will attract many players bought it a try. Example, people like to play racing games, and then they will go to buy looks good racing game. So we think we can even from GTA release into the benefit because of the excellent game, the player may also want to try our Watch Dogs.
After playing Watch Dogs, many people like to cosplay the game. By the way, the animal masks and scary masks are very suitable for Halloween.

