
Watch Dogs Mask: You Could Play Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed 4 on Xbox

Watch Dogs Mask: You Could Play Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed 4 on Xbox
Ubisoft's latest masterpiece "Watchdog (Watch Dogs)" and "Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag)" is Microsoft's next-generation console will be landing, two employees from Ubisoft does not seem to carefully confirm this news. This message is sent from the Personal Data LinkedIn Web site was found. LinkedIn is one of the world's largest professional networking site, broke the news people are Ubisoft game programmer Paolo Maninetti and marketing art teacher Phil Brolles, they claim that these two games will be landing in Microsoft's next-generation Xbox, here tentatively called Xbox 720.
Watch Dogs cosplay
Brolles information wrote: "watchdog" "is landing in the production of next-generation console platforms", noting in particular will be landing "PS4 / X720", while Maninetti say "Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag" will be landing "PC, PS3, X360, PS4, X720, [and] WiiU ". In fact, "watchdog" and "Assassin's Creed 4" will be landing Xbox 720 news does not make us feel very surprised, a very early claim to Ubisoft Both games will be landing "next-generation platform," including PS4; two landing time to compare the game, they have no reason to abandon X720 expense. However, in view Microsoft has been tight-lipped about their next-generation Xbox, Ubisoft employees can openly see the "X720" words listed in the Internet, it does make us feel a bit surprised. Ubisoft employees for this "leak" in response to Microsoft's given is "no comment." According to earlier rumors, Microsoft, or will be officially announced their next generation Xbox at the end of this month or next month, so we'll see. "Watchdog" book in 2013 landed PS4 platform, 2014 landing Xbox360, PS3, PC, WiiU platform. Or visit the next generation Xbox platform. "Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag" October 29 officially on sale, including Xbox360, PS3, PS4, Wii U, PC, or including the next-generation Xbox platform.
After playing Watch Dogs, many people like to cosplay the game. By the way, the animal masks and scary masks are very suitable for Halloween.


Watch Dogs Mask: Ubisoft Said Watch Dogs will be Better than GTA

Watch Dogs Mask: Ubisoft Said Watch Dogs will be Better than GTA
Watch Dogs mask
Watch Dogs has been determined to bite a GTA series of open world of cake, Ubisoft also want them to be able to achieve this goal. Ubisoft's Alain Corre told the media that they want to Watch Dogs to become a legendary brand in their field, just like Assassin's Creed series did. We want to Watch Dogs can burgeoned in his field, like GTA like. He said. Yes, GTA is respected in the industry gold standard, and we are looking forward to GTA new work, but the Watch Dogs is aimed at the next generation of the host, and will bring a lot of new features - new ideas related, interactive, online series in this area, he also said, GTA5 in the September issue of time will not be a problem, because they are going to release in the end. If an area has good works, it will attract many players bought it a try. Example, people like to play racing games, and then they will go to buy looks good racing game. So we think we can even from GTA release into the benefit because of the excellent game, the player may also want to try our Watch Dogs.
After playing Watch Dogs, many people like to cosplay the game. By the way, the animal masks and scary masks are very suitable for Halloween.

Bane Mask for Halloween